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Monday, May 8, 2023

Things Change

I have been through a lot of adversity in my life, as I am sure you have as well. It is a natural part of being human and sharing this world with so many other people. However, things changed three years ago. When you throw in a three year long worldwide pandemic on top of all the regular problems that life throws at you, things can seem utterly hopeless at times. I admit that I have felt lost, sad, and very angry way too often the past few years.

However, things change. That too is a natural part of life on this earth. I can remember back in 1988 hearing an advertisement on the radio while driving my truck to work. It was a simple 30 second recording by an organization that was asking for volunteers to help erect a new Cross on top of Battle Mountain in San Diego. I answered that call, spent six months putting in hard physical labor to get that project done, and it changed my life dramatically for the better.

Last week, things changed dramatically for me once again. And once again, it was a simple 30 second announcement on the radio that I heard. I was driving down Antonio Parkway in Rancho Santa Margarita, heading off to work on a very cold morning when I heard it. Someone from the Center for Disease Control was announcing, “The federal Covid-19 Public Health Emergency declaration will end on May 11th, 2023”. They went on to say, “The United States mobilized a historic response to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a nation, we now find ourselves at a different point in the pandemic, with more tools and resources than ever before to protect ourselves and our communities.” In addition, the reporter covering the story said that as of May 11th, 2023, Los Angeles and Orange Counties will no longer be issuing color codes to alert the population as to the severity of the pandemic.

When I heard that message, I immediately pulled over to the side of the road. I know it sounds silly, but that message hit me hard, in a good way. It was like a light bulb was turned back on inside of me, both illuminating me and warming me at the same time. I sat there behind the wheel for a long time thinking, smiling, and then offering up a very heartfelt prayer of thanks to God for always being with us, always caring for us, always loving us. Things had changed once again, but God never does.

The light of God surrounds me.

The love of God enfolds me.

The power of God protects me.

The presence of God watches over me. 

Wherever I am, God is with me.

~ Norman Vincent Peale

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