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Monday, October 25, 2021

The Unexpected

People like surprises and people like thoughtfulness. Sometimes those two things can go together quite nicely!

My wife, Debby, is a master at it. She is always thinking about others and doing nice things for people. Me not so often. She is also willing to sacrifice her time to put in time for others. Me not so much. She is also really clever and gifted at gift giving. Me not at all!

Debby sets a really good example. So on Saturday morning I decided I would try, in some small way, to follow her lead. Unfortunately, I’m not good at picking out gifts. In fact, I am the worst gift “picker outer” in the world, which I get from my Mom. She once gave my youngest daughter a fur trimmed blouse for Christmas. We still laugh about that “fuzzy squirrel shirt” 20 years later.  

It took me a while to figure things out, but it finally dawned on me that the best gifts are the ones you make yourself. And although I can’t really cook, there is one thing that my wonderful, thoughtful Mother (trying to make up for slamming my Mom above) taught me, how to make really tasty southern style Biscuits and Gravy. The secret is to start with two pounds of bacon (because everything tastes better with bacon) and a whole lot of continuous stirring as you make the gravy. Throw in the right amount of salt and pepper and voila! Lead sinkers!

After creating a huge batch of biscuits and gravy, possibly my best batch ever, I packed the goodies into three separate snap-ware bowls and headed out the door. My goal was to surprise and delight my three adult children and their families who live nearby. Needless to say, I made their day, and even surprised myself in a way!

Making a tasty breakfast and driving it all over town wasn’t easy. But I learned something. Sometimes doing the unexpected can be really fun and satisfying… for the people on both ends!

He who gives when he is asked, has waited too long. 
Give when it is unexpected.
~ Seneca

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