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Monday, March 15, 2021

Vow #7 - With Patience I Will Control My Destiny

Every priceless attribute which wise men trumpet as necessary for the achievement of success is useless without patience and there are generally two areas where patience is needed most.

First, is with circumstances. Typically, it will be circumstances such as wanting to be promoted at work but not having the education or experience to be there yet. Or wanting to be a great musician but not having practiced enough yet. Or wanting to get to work on time but being held up in traffic by an accident. Sometimes the circumstances are beyond our control and other times, it is just a matter of being patient. When it comes to circumstances, patience can truly help us to control our frustration and forge a better future.

Second, is when we are in a long-term relationship with someone we truly love. Sharing your life with a chosen partner means exercising patience on a daily basis. It is not easy for two people to live together sharing a home, the chores, the struggles, and the many burdens without an occasional problem. On my bathroom mirror I have taped one of my favorite sayings. It has helped calm my spirit and remind me to be patient on many occasions where the stresses of the day have threatened to crowd their way into my relationship with the woman I love so very, very much.

It is only three sentences long, but the words are potent and the message is powerful.

Patience is not passive.

On the contrary, it is active.

It requires concentrated strength.

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