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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Surprising Ways

Have you ever had one of those days where life surprises you and everything goes right? You know, you wake up and your hair is perfect and doesn’t even need combing. Your favorite jeans and shirt just happen to be clean and ready to wear, traffic is unusually light, work goes smoothly, and when you come home your wife has an even better surprise - twin lobster tails and a perfectly cooked filet - ready for dinner! I had a day like that earlier this year and I remember taking time before I went to bed to say a quick prayer. I think I said something like, “Lord, thank you so much for a wonderful day… full of so many nice surprises.”

Last Thursday I had a day like that again! Except, when I woke up my hair was sticking out all over the place (and missing altogether in some places), and when I put my favorite jeans on they had stains on them so I had to change, but at least I had a brand new shirt to put on. On the way to work I hit every single red light in existence, and when I finally got on the freeway, I got cut off by a lady talking on her cell phone, which forced me to slam on my brakes, which then sent my briefcase flying onto the floor spilling my paperwork everywhere. When I got to work, I had to load up 12 heavy boxes into my truck but the last one slipped off my tailgate and landed corner first onto my big toe. Ouch! But it wasn’t all bad, because when I got home, my loving wife had a great dinner ready for me, a tasty home-made hamburger with a side of mac and cheese. Comfort food! Except when I took the first bite of that juicy hamburger, I was a little too comfortable, and a huge blob of ketchup plopped out onto my brand-new shirt. What a day!

So right before I went to bed Thursday night, I decided a prayer was in order again, but perhaps a little longer one. “Dear Lord, thank you for such a wonderful day, so full of surprisingly educational experiences. I learned that looks are not everything, patience is important, and so is a sense of humor. And that having a wife who is really good at cooking and getting stains out of shirts is truly a blessing too. Also Lord, I know you are with me everywhere I go, so thank you that I still have hair, that I didn’t crash on the way to work, that I have a job I enjoy, and a wife that I love, and a God who will never stop blessing me… in so many surprising ways!

Every happening, great or small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us. 
And the art of life is to get the message.
~ Malcolm Muggeridge

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