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Monday, February 8, 2021

Vow #2 - For I am One of Nature's Greatest Miracles (from Sept 19th, 2004)

I am having a hard time writing this. In the early hours of the morning, while I sat at my computer working on my list of Ten Vows, my wife came out of the bedroom in tears, gasping for breath. I immediately ran to the garage and got our emergency oxygen bottle. I woke the kids and rushed off to the emergency room at Mission Hospital – once again.

As many of you know, my wife is trying to recover from major lung surgery. And it has not been going well. In my heart and because of my faith, I know she will recover eventually. But that doesn’t stop the knifing pain that runs through me when she cries out for help. The doctors are doing their best but I’m not going to stop praying for God’s help anytime soon. That’s for sure!

Yes, I am worried. But the worry in my heart has reminded me once again that everyone one of us is a unique miracle of creation. If we recognize that, we can gain the strength and courage to overcome anything. However, sometimes it takes another person, someone who truly loves us, to help bring out the strength and courage that is inside us. My wife and I do that for each other. She helps me to believe in myself when I am struggling. And I help her to believe in herself when she is in pain. And now more than ever, she needs to know that she is one of nature’s greatest miracles and that she still has a lot more to accomplish in her life. I believe in her and I am there for her. She needs to be strong and I need to be strong for her. We will overcome this problem – together!

We were formed in the image of God.

There is nothing we cannot achieve, nothing we cannot overcome.

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