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Monday, October 6, 2014

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

I don’t think anyone has ever accused me of being brilliant or a genius. But some people probably think I’m pretty smart because over the years I’ve been able to build several successful companies. Well, appearances can be deceiving. Anyone who watched me last week would definitely not think I’m brilliant…In fact, they might think I’m pretty stupid.

·    I hired a screen door company last week to install an “Invisi-Screen” door on our side kitchen door to allow the breeze to keep our kitchen cool. It was new and clean and fairly invisible and sure enough the very next day I walked right into it and nearly destroyed it. Stupid!
·    The ocean has had some huge waves lately and it tore out a big chunk of our beach leaving a 4 foot drop off just past our fire ring. So Saturday as I was raking the beach, walking backwards to drag the sand rake and smooth the sand, I forgot about the cliff and fell backwards off the cliff right onto my backside, nearly killing myself. Stupid!

·    Later that day after watching a beautiful sunset, I headed inside with the plates and drink cups off our patio and because I was trying to carry too many things at one time, I spilled a whole glass of ice tea onto our formerly beautiful Persian Rug. Stupid!

Okay, so maybe sometimes I can be smart and sometimes I can be stupid and maybe that’s what we need to remember about our family, friends and neighbors. The world is never black and white and neither are people. We have our good days and we have plenty of things we do well. And then we have our bad days and some things we don’t do so well. All of us would do well however…to not judge each other too quickly.

And that got me thinking…. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to pray for wisdom once in a while too….because wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age, sometimes age just shows up all by itself!
 Life is hard. But it’s a whole lot harder when you’re stupid.
~ John Wayne (Actor and Occasional Philosopher)

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