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Monday, April 1, 2013

The Hawk and The Crow

On Sunday I celebrated Easter with my family and watched the little kids hunt for Easter eggs. The innocence of youth is so special and amazing and yet you know they are going to grow up someday and face a harsh world full of evil, pain and hatred. I don’t know why it has to be that way but I do know that if you understand the “reason for the season” you never have to fear the future.
Watching kids play and thinking about Easter reminded me of an Easter children’s story. Once upon a time many, many years ago, there lived a large black crow. He was very kind, very loving and very wise. He flew above the forest every day watching all the other creatures until one day he spotted a hawk’s nest high up in a tree. There was only one baby hawk in the nest and he was all alone. Suddenly the baby hawk tripped and fell from his nest hitting the ground hard. The Crow took pity on the tiny hawk, swooped down, picked him up and carried him back to his own nest where he cared for him and nurtured him back to health.
After several weeks the big black crow began to teach the little hawk to fly. Before long they were soaring through the forest together, having great fun every day. The crow taught the hawk everything he needed to know and they became best friends. After several months the little hawk was no longer little, he was as big as the big black crow but there was definitely something different about them. Everywhere they went, people would say, “Look at that beautiful, magnificent hawk. He is gorgeous and regal and can soar so beautifully.” But they would also say, “Look at that crow. He is nothing but an ugly, squawking creature that can barely fly in a straight line.” People wrongly judged the hawk and the crow by focusing only on how they looked.
One day the hawk and the crow flew over a beautiful green golf course. Down below the crow spotted two young boys with BB-Guns hiding in the bushes. As soon as the crow saw one of the young boys raise his rifle skyward, he squawked as loud as he could and flew in front of the hawk. The bullet hit the brave crow in the chest and dropped him to the ground like a rock falling from the sky. The hawk watched in horror as the boys ran away and his best friend fell to the ground.
The hawk flew to the ground and stood over his mortally wounded friend. “Why did this happen, crow? You are so kind and loving to everyone. Why would they do this to you?” The crow, mortally wounded, answered in a soft voice…
My friend, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And do not mourn for me, for I promise you… we will be together again someday soon, in a place where there is no evil, no pain and no hatred. A place and a future…..where there is only love!”
The hawk, realizing that the crow had never lied to him, believed what he was told, and thanked the crow for his love, his sacrifice and his wisdom. The crow smiled, took his last breath, and then he was gone.
“Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.”
                                                                                     ~ Clarence W. Hall

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