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Sunday, May 17, 2020

His Art

It wasn’t a UFO, but I did see something really strange dropping out of the sky last Friday. I’m not sure exactly what is was, but I have an idea. First though, let me give you some of the back story.

This crazy Coronavirus is forcing most of us to stay home, which is really tough. Fortunately for my wife, she took up painting last year so that’s something she can do at home and it’s obvious to me she has a real gift. Even her first few attempts at painting small vignettes of flowers were really vibrant and seemed to jump right off the canvass. But art isn’t easy. One of the first things she learned from her instructor is that you aren’t given 15 tubes of different colors of paint to work with. Instead, you’re supposed to use just a few tubes of the prime colors and creatively mix them together to produce whatever colors your mind dreams up. That seems really hard to me and I know I can’t do that. So I’m glad there are people in this world who do have the ability to bring color to a canvass and brighten our world inside our homes during those times when we can’t go outside.

So here’s what happened last Friday. I left the house before sunrise to go do a light pole inspection. Starting super early when no one is around makes it easier for me to avoid people and maintain social distancing. But when I arrived at the site and stepped out of my truck, I noticed what looked like a giant fireball of color falling out of the sky. It appeared to be a small cloud, but it was absolutely exploding with brilliant colors while falling rapidly down to earth. I grabbed my phone and tried to snap a photo, but it was fading fast, so I could only capture the last few moments… and then poof! It was gone!

And that got me thinking… First off, what kind of cloud falls down to earth? I’ve never seen that before! So maybe it wasn’t a cloud. Maybe it was just a piece of the canvass that our Master Creator was using to bring more color to our lives at a time when we can really use it!

The sky, a perfect empty canvas, offers clouds nonetheless. 
They shift and drift and beg interpretation… such is the nature of God and his art.
~ Jeb Dickerson

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