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Monday, August 7, 2023

Murphy's Law

Have you ever gone to the car wash and spent a lot of money to have your car cleaned? When you’re done your car looks good, and it feels good to drive it! But then of course, a couple days later it rains and turns your beautiful car into a rolling clump of muddy muck.

That situation has a name. It’s called, “Murphy’s Law” … Whatever can go wrong will go wrong!

A couple of days ago, I spent a lot of money to have the carpets cleaned at our house. And then…

Why do I appear happy, you ask? Because at my age, I’ve learned to expect the unexpected and embrace it with a smile, which by the way, really pisses off old Murphy!

      The effort of trying to save a falling object by catching it will always cause more destruction                                   than if the object had just been allowed to fall unobstructed in the first place.                                               ~ Murphy’s Law #16   

Top 20 Murphy’s Laws


1.     If anything can go wrong, it will.

2.     Nothing is as easy as it looks.

3.     Everything takes longer than you think.

4.     Doing it the hard way is always easier in the long run.

5.     Your superiors will always think they are better than you, despite the law of averages.

6.     The truth shall get you fired.

7.     If you cannot convince people, confuse them.

8.     If people listened to themselves more often, they would talk a lot less.

9.     Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you do when everything goes wrong.

10. The shortest distance between two points is usually under construction.

11. In any organization there will always be one person who knows what is going on. This person must be fired, or at least avoided at all costs.

12. A knife too dull to cut anything else will always cut your finger like a razor.

13. After your hands have become extremely dirty, your nose will itch.

14. Leftover nuts never match leftover bolts.

15. The length of a minute depends on what you are waiting for.

16. The effort of trying to save a falling object by catching it, will always cause more destruction than if the object had just been allowed to fall unobstructed in the first place.

17. The number of people who happen to be watching you will always directly proportional to the stupidity of the thing you are doing.

18. Things always get worse before they get better.

19. If it jams, force it. Then, if it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

20. When you try to prove to someone that a machine doesn’t work, it will always work perfectly.


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