I met a young man this week who really impressed me. I found him to be a bit shy, but he was really interesting and actually quite inspiring!
He stopped by our house because he heard about my wife’s charity, which provides suitcases filled with clothing and essential items for foster children. She has it posted on Facebook, Instagram, and all the other social media, so it seems like every week people are stopping by to drop off donations and that was obviously the intention of this young man named Jeremiah.
As he walked up to our house, he was carrying what looked like birthday presents. Apparently, he decided on his own, that it might be nice if some of the items given to the foster kids were wrapped like gifts. Nobody had ever suggested that idea before, and as far as I am concerned, I think it’s a really cool idea! Just thinking about this stranger, taking the time to “gift wrap” donated items for foster kids, totally boosted my faith in humanity. Not that I’ve lost faith in humanity, but sometimes… you know what I mean.
I spoke with Jeremiah for only a few minutes. As I mentioned he was a little bit shy and quiet. But at the same time when he started telling me about wanting to donate to kids who don’t have parents, a home, or anything for that matter… his eyes got wide, his smile brightened, and his passion for helping other flowed from him like water from a busted fire hydrant. His enthusiasm was super sincere and contagious, and that my friends is what defines a loving heart.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about my soft spoken new friend Jeremiah, because I am hoping he keeps coming over to see us. Just being around him for a few minutes will brighten anyone’s day!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention one small detail. Jeremiah is only 5 years old.
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