You’ve probably heard the saying, “Timing is everything”. But my question is… who’s timing?
Last Thursday I had a huge load of boxes that I needed to drop off
at UPS. I had nine large boxes, so I took my folding roll cart to
save wear and tear on my back. As I approached the door of the UPS Store, a
lady came out, glanced at me, let the door shut behind her and walked right on
past. I won’t tell you what I said about her in my head, but it’s pretty difficult
to maneuver a roll cart that is top heavy with boxes through a closed door. But
just as I reached for the door handle, a tiny little Hispanic lady stepped in
front of me. She said, “Let me help you.” In my head I said, “Great timing”,
but with my voice I said, “Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!”
After unloading my roll cart, I headed back to my truck which was parked far away due to 5:00pm traffic at a busy shopping center. As I reached my truck, I noticed a large white Chevy Suburban parked next to me. A lady was behind it unloading a bunch of heavy looking boxes and struggling to set them on the ground. I looked down at my empty roll cart, back up at the struggling lady, and said, “Would you like some help with those boxes?” She looked really surprised to see me standing there with my empty roll cart and a huge smile crossed her face. “You know, I’m in a hurry and I was just trying to figure out how I was going to carry all these boxes in one load all that way. So yes! If you don’t mind.” I loaded up her boxes, walked with her to the UPS Store and unloaded the cart for her as well. Her response, was, “Thank you, I just can’t believe you appeared at exactly the right time.
On my way home, I thought about how that nice little old lady helped me out right when I needed it. And how good it felt to pay it forward and help out someone else right when they needed it. It’s crazy that sometimes things happen at exactly the right time. My last thought was, was it my timing that was perfect? Or was it their timing that was perfect? Or was it maybe… His timing that is always perfect!
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1
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