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Monday, June 10, 2024

My Best Work

I was born one month prematurely and have been in a hurry ever since. I guess you could say I’ve always had a lot of energy and maybe that’s why my wife calls me the energizer bunny. I just can’t sit still when I’m at home and always need to be doing something. That’s great for productivity but it isn’t always great for relationships or life in general. However, I have noticed that certain things about me have slowed down in a good way as I’ve gotten older.

Yesterday brought that thought into clarity. I was driving my truck and accidentally hit one of the buttons on the steering wheel. It changed my “view” on my dashboard and brought up “engine conditions”, which is something I have never looked at before. The first thing I noticed was that my total driving hours to date were 908 hours and my total idling hours were 298. Apparently I’m spending nearly one-third of my time just idling. That’s a way higher percentage than I would have guessed and at first it made me think of all the time I’m wasting, and that really annoyed me.

But the more I thought about it, the more it occurred to me that I do my best thinking when I am idling. In fact, when I’m stuck in a traffic jam, I often take a moment to put my hands together at the top of my steering wheel and talk to God. I like to ask Him how he’s doing. I converse with Him, let him know I appreciate his help, and ask Him to watch over my friends and family. And I always end the conversation by listing all the blessings I am thankful for. And when I do that, and realize how truly blessed I am, the traffic issues never seem so bad.

So what am I saying? I guess I am saying that I realize I have a limited amount of time on this earth and it’s good to be productive. But sometimes, when it’s quiet and the world slows down just for a little bit, that’s when I do my best work!

We spend half our life trying to find something to do - 
with the time we have rushed through life - 
trying to save.
~ Will Rogers

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