I lost a friend in a plane crash recently. It was a shock as you can imagine, and so heartbreaking for his family and everyone else that knew and loved him.
It reminded me that sometimes there are certain people that touch your life in a special way. Robert was one of those people. I can’t really describe it. He just had this special way of making you feel better about yourself. What a unique and awesome quality and what a unique and awesome man. The world is a better place because of him and with his passing, his family shared Robert’s personal statement of faith. But instead of describing it to you in my own words, I will share with you Robert Ming’s exact words. Why? Because there is no way that I could have expressed my faith any better or as eloquently as Robert has. And it is so very, very much worth sharing with the world.
Robert’s Faith Statement
Life can be hard. There are job losses, global pandemics, earthquakes, and deaths. Nevertheless, I have a deep sense of peace even when circumstances might indicate otherwise. Why? Because I believe there is a God, and He loves me. Why do I have a sense of direction even when I really don’t know where I am going? (No wise cracks here about asking for directions!) Because Jesus Christ has provided clear principles for living life that provide the basis for making decisions. Those principles are found in the Bible and things simply work better when we follow the guidance we find there.
Today I tried to make the world a better place.
I’ll do it again tomorrow… if you’ll let me.
~ Robert Ming, 1970-2022
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