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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Today I Had A Thought

It’s the end of the year and a good time to do some reflecting. So I did that last night, thinking about all the things that happened this past year. More importantly, I thought about  all the really great people I know and how truly blessed I am to have them in my life.

And then today I had a thought… what if I had never met you? As I ask that question, I am picturing each person in my life, one at a time, and what they mean to me. I started with my family, my children, and of course my wife, who I have loved deeply for over 30 years and couldn’t live without. She changed my life for the better in so many ways. But what if I had never met her?

Then I thought about my friends. One by one I pictured them in my head, quietly thanking God for allowing me the privilege of meeting them, getting to know them, and spending time with them.

Then I thought about how precious my friends are to me. There is Chris J, who I’ve known for over 40 years, always loyal, always in touch, always offering to help me when I need it. Everyone should be so lucky as to have a friend like Chris. There is Bill T, who I met 20 years ago when we first started playing Halo Baseball together. My wife and I had lunch with him yesterday and as a business owner and CPA, he was able to give my wife great advice regarding her philanthropic efforts. Then there is Dave C, my good friend and golf buddy, who keeps donating to my wife’s charity and literally gave me the shirt off his back one day at the golf course. (Okay, it was cold, and it was a really nice golf sweater, but I love it and wear it all the time.) There is Bob H. who is 75 now and has moved to Idaho, but Bob makes it a point to stay in touch with me on a regular basis. And there are couples that my wife and I see regularly like Danny and Asun, Scott and Rhonda, and Steve and Ceci who are so much fun to be around and would always be there for us if we need them. As I said, friends are precious.

I could go on and on with my list of friends and what they mean to me. Chances are if you are receiving my Monday Messages, it is because I consider you a friend as well. But as I pictured each person in my head, I thought about that same question. What if I had never met you? So maybe that’s a good New Year’s resolution. Resolve to reflect, and think about your friends and ask yourself, “What if I never met you? Or maybe even ask them and let them know how good you feel about them. Just a thought!

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.

                                                                 ~ Helen Keller                                                            

Monday, December 23, 2024

What The World Needs Now

The Christmas Season is all about giving. But for me, it’s a struggle. I’m just not good at picking out gifts. It’s not like I don’t try, I just have a hard time figuring out the right gift. My wife is great at it though, and she always gets people the perfect gift.

Which got me thinking… Have you seen that Amazon commercial on TV with the janitor? It’s the sweet story of a janitor at a theatre who is  sweeping and cleaning up but singing at the same time. The song he is singing, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love.” Suddenly, thanks to a surprise gift from his fellow employees, he becomes the main attraction. The gift is a suit and a microphone so that he can bring his “God given gift of a beautiful singing voice” to light on stage.

That commercial touched me because it reminded me that all of us have God given gifts that make us special. Maybe you know what your gift is, or maybe you haven’t discovered it yet, but it’s there… and it’s special… and so are you. And if you are strong enough, and brave enough, to share your gift with others, then maybe, just maybe, that’s the real meaning of Christmas!

"And there were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night, and lo the angel of the lord came upon them, and the glory of the lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid, and the angel said unto them, fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior who is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth - peace, good will toward men."

“And that’s the real meaning of Christmas – Charlie Brown!”

Monday, December 9, 2024

Poached Eggs and Chocolate, Why Not! (by Debby Thrailkill)

Tis the season to enjoy, whatever that means to you. For me, I hope to slow my roll, and have time to spend with my family and friends.

In our family we have traditions that make Christmas time a true delight. We trudge through Christmas tree lots together in search of the perfect tree, or the Charlie Brown version. We caravan through neighborhoods and take in the Christmas light displays, so fun and festive. We bake holiday cookies together and make small packages to give as gifts to friends and coworkers. We always have a craft day, and this year we made Christmas trees from yarn and wood.

There is beauty delighting in the time spent with multi generations, finding the spirit of the season together. Whether with friends or family, do what brings you joy and gives you peace as the year winds to a close. This is the time of year where you should be doing something special that fills you with joy.

Gift giving is obviously on our minds as we prepare for holidays. Sometimes I’ll send gifts ahead, to be enjoyed during the season. I sent my Aunt Judy and Uncle Paul an oval See’s Candy Gift Box with their favorite chocolates. They were pleased to have the candy to savor and sent the picture and commented back , Poached Eggs and Chocolates, Why Not!

May I suggest… Turn down the media. Turn loose the fast pace. Turn up at parties and meals when your presence is requested. Turn inward to the Lord in gratitude for your blessed life. Turn out and take in the season with others. Why not have poached eggs and chocolate and enjoy your season in its fullest.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree – 
The presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
Burton Hills

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Breath of Life

Last week we had one of our younger grandchildren staying over. Andie is only 5 but she enjoys watching me work out and likes to be my “assistant”. She changes the weight slots on my gym machine for me and writes it down in my log. At one point she said, “Hey Grandpa, you forgot to breathe.” She’s heard me talk about how important proper breathing is and how you need to breathe out when you exert, and she noticed I wasn’t doing it right. Apparently she takes her “assistant” job very seriously!

The reason Andie Rose is a good workout assistant is because she is the type of person who truly cares about others. Which reminds me of someone else who might well be the most caring and considerate person I have ever met.

His name is Antony, and he runs a business called “Peak Personal Training”. His business is a combination of physical fitness and physical therapy. You might even say it is partly a counseling business because you can’t go in there and not come out feeling better both physically and mentally. Antony’s approach is unique because of his total commitment and concern for his clientele. He greets every woman with a kiss and every man with a hug and means it. He will look you right in the eye, ask you how you are doing, and then actually listen and care about what you say. He will call you to make sure you are coming in and then call you after your visit to see how you are feeling. I have never met anyone so committed to helping others. Antony has a great time at his job; however he will push you during training sessions. I remember him getting on me for not breathing properly and making me do extra lifts until I got them right. So I guess you could say he takes his “assistant job” just as seriously as Andie Rose does.

Having people like Andie and Antony in my life is a real blessing. They are not only reminding me to breathe properly during a tough workout session, they are also reminding me how important it is to step back and take a breath during the tough times of life as well. Let’s face it we all go through tough times, especially during the hectic holiday season. So if at times your life feels really crazy and difficult, just remember what Andie and Antony are trying to teach us…slow down and take time to breathe. And if you really want to enjoy life more, help someone else learn how to slow down and breathe!

Breath in the breath of life all the way down to the bottom of your stomach.
Inhale peace and exhale chaos.
~ Tara Sutphen