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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Today I Had A Thought

It’s the end of the year and a good time to do some reflecting. So I did that last night, thinking about all the things that happened this past year. More importantly, I thought about  all the really great people I know and how truly blessed I am to have them in my life.

And then today I had a thought… what if I had never met you? As I ask that question, I am picturing each person in my life, one at a time, and what they mean to me. I started with my family, my children, and of course my wife, who I have loved deeply for over 30 years and couldn’t live without. She changed my life for the better in so many ways. But what if I had never met her?

Then I thought about my friends. One by one I pictured them in my head, quietly thanking God for allowing me the privilege of meeting them, getting to know them, and spending time with them.

Then I thought about how precious my friends are to me. There is Chris J, who I’ve known for over 40 years, always loyal, always in touch, always offering to help me when I need it. Everyone should be so lucky as to have a friend like Chris. There is Bill T, who I met 20 years ago when we first started playing Halo Baseball together. My wife and I had lunch with him yesterday and as a business owner and CPA, he was able to give my wife great advice regarding her philanthropic efforts. Then there is Dave C, my good friend and golf buddy, who keeps donating to my wife’s charity and literally gave me the shirt off his back one day at the golf course. (Okay, it was cold, and it was a really nice golf sweater, but I love it and wear it all the time.) There is Bob H. who is 75 now and has moved to Idaho, but Bob makes it a point to stay in touch with me on a regular basis. And there are couples that my wife and I see regularly like Danny and Asun, Scott and Rhonda, and Steve and Ceci who are so much fun to be around and would always be there for us if we need them. As I said, friends are precious.

I could go on and on with my list of friends and what they mean to me. Chances are if you are receiving my Monday Messages, it is because I consider you a friend as well. But as I pictured each person in my head, I thought about that same question. What if I had never met you? So maybe that’s a good New Year’s resolution. Resolve to reflect, and think about your friends and ask yourself, “What if I never met you? Or maybe even ask them and let them know how good you feel about them. Just a thought!

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.

                                                                 ~ Helen Keller                                                            

Monday, December 23, 2024

What The World Needs Now

The Christmas Season is all about giving. But for me, it’s a struggle. I’m just not good at picking out gifts. It’s not like I don’t try, I just have a hard time figuring out the right gift. My wife is great at it though, and she always gets people the perfect gift.

Which got me thinking… Have you seen that Amazon commercial on TV with the janitor? It’s the sweet story of a janitor at a theatre who is  sweeping and cleaning up but singing at the same time. The song he is singing, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love.” Suddenly, thanks to a surprise gift from his fellow employees, he becomes the main attraction. The gift is a suit and a microphone so that he can bring his “God given gift of a beautiful singing voice” to light on stage.

That commercial touched me because it reminded me that all of us have God given gifts that make us special. Maybe you know what your gift is, or maybe you haven’t discovered it yet, but it’s there… and it’s special… and so are you. And if you are strong enough, and brave enough, to share your gift with others, then maybe, just maybe, that’s the real meaning of Christmas!

"And there were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night, and lo the angel of the lord came upon them, and the glory of the lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid, and the angel said unto them, fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior who is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth - peace, good will toward men."

“And that’s the real meaning of Christmas – Charlie Brown!”

Monday, December 9, 2024

Poached Eggs and Chocolate, Why Not! (by Debby Thrailkill)

Tis the season to enjoy, whatever that means to you. For me, I hope to slow my roll, and have time to spend with my family and friends.

In our family we have traditions that make Christmas time a true delight. We trudge through Christmas tree lots together in search of the perfect tree, or the Charlie Brown version. We caravan through neighborhoods and take in the Christmas light displays, so fun and festive. We bake holiday cookies together and make small packages to give as gifts to friends and coworkers. We always have a craft day, and this year we made Christmas trees from yarn and wood.

There is beauty delighting in the time spent with multi generations, finding the spirit of the season together. Whether with friends or family, do what brings you joy and gives you peace as the year winds to a close. This is the time of year where you should be doing something special that fills you with joy.

Gift giving is obviously on our minds as we prepare for holidays. Sometimes I’ll send gifts ahead, to be enjoyed during the season. I sent my Aunt Judy and Uncle Paul an oval See’s Candy Gift Box with their favorite chocolates. They were pleased to have the candy to savor and sent the picture and commented back , Poached Eggs and Chocolates, Why Not!

May I suggest… Turn down the media. Turn loose the fast pace. Turn up at parties and meals when your presence is requested. Turn inward to the Lord in gratitude for your blessed life. Turn out and take in the season with others. Why not have poached eggs and chocolate and enjoy your season in its fullest.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree – 
The presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
Burton Hills

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Breath of Life

Last week we had one of our younger grandchildren staying over. Andie is only 5 but she enjoys watching me work out and likes to be my “assistant”. She changes the weight slots on my gym machine for me and writes it down in my log. At one point she said, “Hey Grandpa, you forgot to breathe.” She’s heard me talk about how important proper breathing is and how you need to breathe out when you exert, and she noticed I wasn’t doing it right. Apparently she takes her “assistant” job very seriously!

The reason Andie Rose is a good workout assistant is because she is the type of person who truly cares about others. Which reminds me of someone else who might well be the most caring and considerate person I have ever met.

His name is Antony, and he runs a business called “Peak Personal Training”. His business is a combination of physical fitness and physical therapy. You might even say it is partly a counseling business because you can’t go in there and not come out feeling better both physically and mentally. Antony’s approach is unique because of his total commitment and concern for his clientele. He greets every woman with a kiss and every man with a hug and means it. He will look you right in the eye, ask you how you are doing, and then actually listen and care about what you say. He will call you to make sure you are coming in and then call you after your visit to see how you are feeling. I have never met anyone so committed to helping others. Antony has a great time at his job; however he will push you during training sessions. I remember him getting on me for not breathing properly and making me do extra lifts until I got them right. So I guess you could say he takes his “assistant job” just as seriously as Andie Rose does.

Having people like Andie and Antony in my life is a real blessing. They are not only reminding me to breathe properly during a tough workout session, they are also reminding me how important it is to step back and take a breath during the tough times of life as well. Let’s face it we all go through tough times, especially during the hectic holiday season. So if at times your life feels really crazy and difficult, just remember what Andie and Antony are trying to teach us…slow down and take time to breathe. And if you really want to enjoy life more, help someone else learn how to slow down and breathe!

Breath in the breath of life all the way down to the bottom of your stomach.
Inhale peace and exhale chaos.
~ Tara Sutphen                                                            

Monday, November 25, 2024

I Believe in Miracles

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. So I would like to tell you about a miracle that happened more than 30 years ago that I am still super thankful for today. But first let me set the scene.

It’s 1990 and I’m still a young man of 35, but I’ve certainly had my shares of ups and downs. I found myself lonely and hungry too many times and at one point I lived in a plywood shack for a year. But I also started having success with my career and more importantly connecting with God and asking for His help to find the right path. I prayed for wisdom and came up an idea. I decided to close down my company that I had started in San Diego in 1980 and move to Orange County for a fresh start. I re-opened my same business (with a few new ideas) at an office park off of Cabot Road in Laguna Hills. Money was tight, but I didn’t consider failure an option.

But I didn’t just focus on work, I knew it was more important to focus on how I could best serve others. I made the tag line for my business, “Honesty, Integrity, Respect”, and made sure I treated my employees, customers, and vendors with respect at all times. I was certain my faith would help me overcome obstacles, but you know what they say, “You have to put feet to your faith”. So I opened the yellow pages one day and found an outreach program not far from my office and decided to volunteer there once a week. It was an eye-opening experience to help out people who were truly hungry and suffering, and the crazy thing was that doing something good for others gave me strength, patience, and a new-found sense of confidence that I was sorely lacking.

One year later, I could see my business was really starting to take off. So I placed an ad in the local newspaper for an office manager. The young woman who applied was charming and full of personality, but more importantly she embraced the idea of serving others with a personal passion that I had never seen before. I hired her the next day. Three years later I started dating her, and two years after that I married her. We have been married now for almost 30 years and she is still putting up with me despite my many flaws and defects, and yet still as crazy about me as I am about her. Now if that isn’t a miracle - then I don’t know what is!

Debby and Joe circa 1996

I believe in love. I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. 

 believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything is going wrong. 

I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.

~ Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Extra Extraordinary

My wife and I were on vacation recently in Kauai and the weather, the sunshine, the ocean, and the rainbows were the best we have ever experienced. For a lot of reasons, our vacation was extra extraordinary! 

Unfortunately, my wife has been having a health issue for the last 6 weeks and it didn’t go away during the time we were on vacation. I felt so bad for her because she really needed a relaxing vacation after all the hard work she has done for her charity this year. I also felt lost and worthless because there was nothing I could do to help her. Let’s face it, if you are a loving partner, the worst thing in the world is to have to stand by and watch your spouse (or children) suffer.

That’s the thing about being a spouse or a parent. Your focus is on your loved ones, and it can be really difficult when things are not going well, especially when there’s nothing you can do about it. Or is there?

Last night, after cleaning up the garage and taking a shower, I thought about my wife and my family and how much they mean to me. But I’m just your average Joe, and I can’t fix everything that is wrong. And it’s so damn frustrating! But as I was thinking about my limitations, I also thought about a minor health issue going on with me that is freaking me out, on top of my worries about my wife. It was at that moment that a thought popped into my head. I don’t know where it came from, but it gave me goose bumps and made me feel a whole lot better. That simple thought was… “Don’t worry, God is with you”. I know that sounds overly simple, but I think that’s what I like about it. When you break it all down, there’s nothing to worry about if you have faith in an extra extraordinary God!

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Never Be Lonely

I saw a bumper sticker on a car last week that was pretty funny. It said, “If I give you a straw will you go suck the joy out of someone else’s life.” It reminded me of a time in my life when I had a really nice car… but a really hard life. It also reminded me of how I should live my life.

I was only 17 years old and living on my own in Fallbrook, California. After school I worked at a gas station out in the boonies on the corner of Hwy 76 and 395. I learned a lot about cars working there and since it was 1973 there were a lot of nice cars coming through the station. I saw Camaro’s, Mustangs, Dusters, Super Bee’s, and this one really cool Plymouth Road Runner that had a “For Sale” sign on it. I talked to the young Marine that owned it and he explained that he was being shipped overseas and needed to sell it fast. I made him an offer and later that day I was the proud owner of a metallic gold Road Runner with a 4-speed on the floor, chrome Cragar rims, and big Micky Thompson Indy tires. It looked like a race car, but rode like junker. But hey… I figured it might be a great girl magnet.

Truth is, my life was really hard at that time, living on my own, with no parents around. I went hungry a lot, and I was lonely all the time, but that car had one feature that made it stand out. It had a big red bumper sticker that said, “God is Love”. I thought about taking that bumper sticker off (because the kids at school would think I wasn’t cool), but every time I looked at it, it made me feel better and little less lonely, and that my life wasn’t really all that bad. I left that bumper sticker on until I finally sold that car, and as it drove away, I knew I would never be lonely again!

The best way to find love is to find God.
~ Anonymous

Monday, October 14, 2024

Things Are Looking Up

Twice a week I help my wife with babysitting our 2-year-old granddaughter. This past week I took her to a park area with a playground a couple of times and it was really fun for her…and surprisingly fun for me too. Seeing her eyes light up when she spots things she hasn’t seen before or hearing her laugh when she watches a little lizard run by, makes me laugh too.

However, I noticed something when she dropped her Mickey Mouse Doll and couldn’t find it. I didn’t know where it went, but she pointed it out to me underneath the slide because her viewpoint is so much closer to the ground than mine. So I looked where her finger was pointing, and then had to crawl on my stomach to reach the toy. While I’m down there, I realize that this is basically her current view of the world. I mean, when you’re only 28” tall, everything you see is mostly at ground level. That’s probably why we spent a lot of time looking at plants and flowers, picking up sticks, using the sticks to draw in the dirt, checking out the rocks, and laughing at the bugs and butterflies.

And that got me thinking… When we are young, we tend to focus on things down low and get excited by Mother Nature, and that’s a very a cool introduction to the world. But when we get older and have to face the all the difficult issues that come with adult life, we need to start looking up and get excited about Father God!

I thank God for this most amazing day, 

for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a true-blue dream of sky. 

And for everything which is natural… which is infinite… which is He.

~ E. E. Cummings

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It's Who You Know

I’ve been on vacation in Kauai for a couple of weeks, so I haven’t put out a Monday Message lately. But actually, being on vacation in such a uniquely beautiful place has given me a lot of ideas for future Monday Messages. 

For example… I love to golf at the Makai Course in Princeville, Kauai. It’s probably one of the top 10 most beautiful golf courses on earth. So I’ve played quite a few rounds while also getting to know a lot of the people that work there. Yesterday, I was paired up with a young couple that had never been to the Makai Course before. As we waited around for the starter to send us off, three different Makai employees walked by us and everyone of them said, “Aloha, Joe, how you doing?” And when the starter, Hideki, said we were good to go, he said, “Joe, will you please lead this young couple out to the 10th tee box for me?” (The front nine was closed for construction).

On the way to the 10th Tee box, an employee in a golf cart stopped and offered us some fresh pineapple. I took a few minutes to talk to her and thank her for the good treats. When we finally got to the 10th tee and got ready to play, a maintenance worker also drove by us and said “Hi Joe” to me. I guess all that friendliness made an impression on the young couple I was with, because the young man said, “Wow! Does every person on this island know you?”

My response was - Well, the thing is, this is their home, this is where they live, work, and play. I’m just a visitor here. So I feel like it’s not important that they get to know me. What is important… is that I take the time to get to know them. Which is what I try to do.

And that got me thinking… You can expend a lot of energy trying to get noticed, or you can simply smile and be nice to people and their energy will often come right back to you!

Makai Golf Course, Princeville, Kauai

What can one person do? One person can prove false the notion that nobody cares.

 ~ Robert Brault

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Heat Is On

This has been the hottest summer I can ever remember. Problem is, my wife and I are both super busy and we can’t really avoid the heat. I have a parking lot light pole inspection business which includes pushing a heavy tool cart 10,000 steps a day on hot asphalt. And my wife has a charity which involves filling at least 100 suitcases each month with clothing and essentials for foster children, which she does in our hot garage.

Okay, I’m basically a guy’s guy, so I’m not about to complain about a little bit of heat. Although the other day it was 110 degrees at Westlake Village Plaza and the sole on my right shoe basically melted and separated, which then made flapping noises as I walked. I looked and sounded stupid for quite a while but then hey… there’s nothing a little duct tape can’t fix!

Anyway, that’s not the problem. The problem is that I worry about my wife overheating while lifting heavy suitcases in our garage. So I decided that I would write her a love poem on my way home and my plan was to get her an ice-cold glass of tea and then recite the poem to her as soon as she came in from the garage to cheer her up. I must say the idea had merit, but unfortunately the execution was lacking … mainly because the poem sucked! But you know what… the heat was on then, and the heat is on now!


When we first met it’s like you were the universe
and I was merely some dust

who got to experience your beauty,
once I shook off the rust.


So I extended my hand to this angel from heaven

and was very surprised to find,

that it was instantly met by another 

so soft, warm, and kind.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Make Your Bed

I love my wife because she’s beautiful inside and out and makes me happy in so many ways. But one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that although we are alike in some ways, we are very different in others.

For example, she likes to do laundry every single day. If it were up to me it would probably be once a month. Sometimes I can’t even get both legs out of my pants before she is trying to throw them in the washing machine. And when it comes to the sheets on our bed, she washes them at least every other day, which seems to me like a lot of work…but I don’t argue I just follow directions. Besides, it makes her happy and that’s a big part of my job as her husband!

So she washes the sheets, and I help her by making the bed. And when I do I make it right and pull it tight. I’m guess I’m kind of a perfectionist that way. But it’s also because my Dad was a Captain in the Marine Corps and that’s the way he taught me to do it. But then last week, I read something written by a Navy Seal and it finally explains why making your bed is so important. Who knew?

“Every morning in basic SEAL training, my instructors, who at the time were all Viet Nam veterans, would show up in my barracks room and the first thing they would do was inspect our beds. If you did it right, the corners would be square, the covers pulled tight, the pillow centered just under the headboard and the extra blanket folded neatly at the foot of the rack—rack—that’s Navy talk for bed.

It was a simple task - mundane at best. But every morning we were required to make our bed to perfection. It seemed a little ridiculous at the time, particularly in light of the fact that were aspiring to be real warriors, tough battle-hardened SEALs - but the wisdom of this simple act has been proven to me many times over.

If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.

By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. Let’s face it - If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.

And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made—that you made—and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed!”

So this morning I made the bed, and my wife did the laundry, and I thought…If you truly find the right person to share your life and labor with… you’ve got a much better chance of changing the world!

Without labor, nothing prospers. 

~ Sophocles

Monday, August 26, 2024

Perfect Timing

Have you ever heard the saying, “Timing is everything”? I have, and I believe it applies to a lot of things in life, both good and bad.

Just over four years ago, Covid slammed headfirst into us and put a halt to just about everything that was formally part of our normal lives. The work stoppage happened immediately, confounding my efforts to get a new business off the ground. I couldn’t visit clients for fear of contracting (or spreading) the virus, so I found myself floundering and frustrated. That’s when my golf journey truly started.

I couldn’t work, but I could go to the golf course and work out my frustrations on a little white ball. I had played golf on and off for years, and really liked it. So I was glad to have it as a fun option. Problem was finding someone to golf with. That’s where the timing thing comes in.

I showed up extremely early one morning knowing I would get paired up with strangers. Strangers who may or may not want me joining their group. In fact, the previous week I got paired up with a father and son. But the father asked me not to play so he could spend quality time with his son. I understood, but I also has to stand there for over an hour before finally getting paired up with a three-some that didn’t speak English. Not a lot of fun. But this time, instead of strangers, one of my best friends from my Halo Baseball Club days was standing on the first tee with his wife and another buddy. They needed a fourth and as luck (and timing) would have it, I was at the right place at the right time.

Our foursome has now played golf together almost every single Wednesday since that fateful day we “accidentally” got paired up. And every time we play a round of golf, I love it more and more. Our friendships have grown, my golf game has improved, and my outlook on life is more positive for several reasons, not the least of which is I get to play a game outdoors, in a beautiful environment, with people I really enjoy. I look forward to it every week. But was it “divine timing”, or was it an accident?

Hard to say for sure, but I remember another saying that’s popular. “When one door closes, another one opens.” Covid may have shut the door on a lot of our normal social activities, and it may have temporarily closed the door on my business at the worst possible time. But it was no accident that I got paired up with the perfect people because I’m pretty sure God is a scratch golfer whose His timing is always perfect!   

“Few golfers are born with the natural talent for hitting the ball, 

but every player is blessed with the God-given ability to throw a club.”

Henry Beard

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Future Looks Bright

Not long ago I sat at my desk for a very long time and wrote a compelling Monday Message about the Millennial Generation. I wrote it because I wanted to make a point about work ethic and how important it is for the future of our society. Unfortunately, Millennials have been characterized as being entitled and wanting all the benefits without having to work hard. I don’t believe that’s necessarily a fair characterization because as the father of four Millennial children, all four have made their way in this world, faced a ton of trials, and ended up as extremely productive citizens that I am very proud of. 

Okay, so maybe some Millennials are hard workers, and some not so much. But I’ve also noticed some are very smart. In fact, if you look up the definition of Millennials you will find they are often characterized as being progressive, tech-savvy, and the most socially connected generation of all time. I think only time will tell if they are able to use their technology and social media connections to truly better the world. I, for one, am rooting for them.

But just in case they don’t, there is another generation, Gen Z, following close behind them that is already showing tremendous potential. How do I know that? Because I have several grandchildren that age who are kind and considerate. Okay, so you think I’m prejudiced, and maybe I am just a little. But yesterday there were two young Gen Z kids in my garage (not members of my family) dropping off big fat envelopes of cash to wife for her charity program that supports Foster Children. Apparently, they got together, along with another friend, and came up with the idea to set up a lemonade stand as a way to raise money. And I don’t know if it was the lemonade, or their cute faces, or the flyers explaining the reason behind their efforts that got them so much attention. But whatever it was, it worked!

It's impossible to predict what the future will look like. But from where I sit, it looks pretty bright to me!

“Be humble. Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.”
                                                                                                                    ~ Dwayne Johnson

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

She Seemed Happy

I try not to judge people because I know it’s wrong. But it’s a hard thing not to do sometimes.

For example, last week my wife and I went to the R&D Restaurant at Fashion Island in Newport Beach for lunch. They are famous for their exceptional cuisine, and we haven’t been there in years, so we were really looking forward to it.  Unfortunately, it was super crowded with the all of the high finance and upper-level businesspeople that work in the super tall ivory skyscrapers that encircle Newport Center.

So we thought about it and decided to order “lunch to go”. Like I said, it was really busy, and every table was full, so we waited outside the entrance. I didn’t really mind waiting because the people-watching was undeniably interesting. There was the guy with perfectly groomed hair and perfectly trimmed nails, wearing an expensive suit, but I think he forgot to put socks on. Oh wait, that’s a style, right? And there were numerous young women dressed to the nines, wearing uncomfortably high shoes, carrying uncomfortably expensive purses. Funny thing was… none of them were smiling. In fact, at times it almost seemed like a contest and the stress of “looking best” was getting to them. None of them seemed happy.

But when I got up to stretch my legs, I noticed a woman all by herself. She wasn’t heading into the R&D Restaurant. She was instead busy working in the courtyard next to it. She was an older woman, with a gray ponytail under a gray baseball cap, and instead of a Versace handbag, she had a broom in her hand. She was sweeping leaves off of the courtyard but there was a bit of a breeze, so every time she swept the leaves one step forward, they would blow two steps back. I saw her dilemma, but I also noticed her determination. She swept faster, and she swept harder, and after 15 minutes she finally got all those leaves back into the planter area.

When our lunch was ready we picked it up and headed to the parking lot. As we passed by the ritzy Neiman Marcus Store and the fancy Lugano Diamonds Store with their high-priced jewelry on display, I saw her again. She was emptying a trash can next to the sidewalk. As I walked by, I thought about her work ethic, how even though most of the time nobody notices her, she probably works hard all the time, taking pride in doing a good job. As I walked by, she looked up and smiled. She seemed happy.

There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.
~ William J. Bennet

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Better Days

I messed up last week and had a bad day. And it’s not the first time.

It started when I was just a little kid playing with matches. I told my Dad a lie, that it wasn’t me. It felt bad to lie to my Dad, but I was scared and didn’t want him to be mad at me.

As I grew to become a teenager, my sins grew as well. One time, I “borrowed” the neighbor’s jeep when he was on vacation and took it for a quick joy ride. He noticed it had been driven, said something to my Dad about it, but I never confessed. My Dad was a good man, my neighbor was a good man. But I was not a man yet. And that wasn’t the only thing I did wrong as a teenager.

When I finally became a man, with a wife and child, I changed a lot. And so did my sins. My mistakes were now wrapped around things like greed, lust, and jealousy. You know, adult type sins. Bigger sins. Sins that at times, made me very ashamed of myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been what you would consider a bad person. I never intentionally hurt anyone, or stole from anyone, or tried to cause anybody a problem. In fact, I went out of my way to be generous and help others with my time, money, and energy. Still do. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t mess up then and that I don’t mess up now. And when I do, I always think back and ask myself, “Why did I do that?” Knowing the answer to that question is extremely important.

I found the answer to that question one day when I was still in my thirties. I’ll never forget that day, nor the sin that I committed. I was super upset at myself, super sad, and feeling completely alone. So I went for a walk, a very long walk, until I finally sat down on a huge rock on the side of the road. I was in a lot of pain. I felt lost and couldn’t stop crying. I felt so totally alone, but then I remembered what the pastor at our church told us, “We are never truly alone.” So I bowed my head, confessed my sin, and asked for forgiveness. I also prayed for the wisdom and strength to avoid that type of mistake again. It felt good to confess and to admit the reason I messed up. I realized that day that knowing why we make mistakes is the first step to avoiding them. I also realized that I don’t need to be scared that He will be mad at me. The very next day… was a much better day!

And you asked me what I want this year
And I’ll try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days

So take these words and sing out loud 'Cause everyone is forgiven now Tonight's the night the world begins again.

from the song "Better Days" by the Goo Goo Dolls

Monday, July 22, 2024


My two grandchildren who live in Spokane, WA, have been staying with us for the past two weeks as part of their summer vacation. They are 11 and 14, which are fun ages, and just to prove it… we have already been to Wild Rivers, Laser Tag, Disneyland, and of course “In-And-Out” Burger multiple times. My wallet might be empty, but my stomach sure is full! 

We’ve had a lot of fun and we’ve talked a ton, and I have to say that I’ve learned a few things from both of them. For example I now know more about Taylor Swift than I ever thought possible, and I learned that the wrong type of mouse when you are gaming can make you less than swift. But as I learned things from them, I also pondered what can I teach them in return? What one important life lesson could I share with them that might help them the most as they grow into adults and get hit by raging real world reality?

Yesterday, my grandson and I were talking about baseball, and he asked to see my MSBL World Series Ring. I said, “Sure”, happy to show off that big shiny ring and regale him with stories about the thrill of victory. However, I had to think about where it was. I hadn’t taken it out or looked at it for years, but when I finally found it in the bottom of my sock drawer, it gave me an idea for a truly important life lesson.

I had already shared with my grandson the story of my own personal baseball journey. How I sucked at it for 10 straight years until one day, when I made three errors and struck out three times in a row and said to myself… that’s the last time I’m gonna fail! I hired myself a coach, took a thousand ground balls, and hit baseballs until my hands bled, and eventually got good enough to be asked to join a select team of ballplayers headed to the MSBL World Series in Phoenix.

That’s a good life lesson in itself, that practice and hard work can lead to success. But that’s not the important lesson. The real lesson, the most important lesson that I learned from playing baseball, had to do with relationships, not RBI’s. I made friends on my baseball team who will be my friends for life. They picked me up when I was down, and I did the same for them. Many times we went home bleeding, but smiling, sharing a love for the game, and a love for each other. To this day, if any one of my baseball buddies called me and needed my help, I would be there for them faster than a four-seamer down the middle. To this day we still stay in touch, we still love baseball, and we still love each other. Rings can rust and trophies can get trashed, but a true friend is better than a “Double-Double with Animal Fries” any day!

Remember two things, play hard and have fun!

~ Tony Gwynn, Hall of Fame Baseball Player

Monday, July 1, 2024

Long Distance Connections

My wife and I were recently on vacation in South Lake Tahoe, and for the first time in months we were truly relaxing. The first morning I woke up at 5:24am and I realized I am not working - for a change - so my hands were empty. Instead of busy hands, I was staring out the window of a country style cabin with a gorgeous view of Lake Tahoe. The air was clear, the pine trees were tall, and the water was the brightest blue I have ever seen. It was so pretty there I couldn’t wait for my family to wake up and join me for a hike to a beautiful little hidden gem called Lake Angora. 

I felt blessed and happy because about half of my children and grandchildren were able to join up with us. My oldest daughter and her family drove up from Orange County. They have three children plus a new 20-month-old baby daughter who is absolutely overflowing with personality. And my oldest son and his wife and two awesome kids drove almost 900 miles from Spokane, Washington, to join us. We don’t get to see them very often, so we were excited to spend time with them. I mean, we call, and we text, and we facetime with them, but it’s not the same as actually spending time together. Being long distance from the people you love, and friends you care about, can make it hard to feel connected.  

So now that I am back home, I know I need to make the effort to stay in touch with my family and friends. Especially with my grandson who lives in Denver that I only get to see once or twice a year, and my other grandson who lives not too far away in Riverside, but I still don’t see him enough. I love them both and would love to spend more time with them, but I struggle to make that happen. I don’t want to lose my connection with them or my connection with my grandkids in Spokane, nor do I want to lose my connection with so many of my family and friends who have moved away. Why? Because when I think about it, being connected to people I care about brings me a lot of joy!

Not long ago, I wrote a Monday Message where I criticized people for being on their phones so much. But now that I think about it, I’m glad we can have our phones in our hands so that we can use them to talk to and feel connected to our loved ones. But I am also grateful that I don’t even need a phone to connect with God, I just need my two hands empty… clasped together.

Angora Lake

The strange thing about seeing someone for the first time in ten years, is the way they look totally different, just for a second, a split second, and then they look like they always have, as if no time has passed between you.
~ Rainbow Rowell


Sunday, June 23, 2024

When Life Changes (By Debby Thrailkill)

With a few harsh words, his life changed forever. He hadn’t meant the cursory string of consonants and vowels that slipped quietly past his lips, and unfortunately into the ears of nearby coworkers. It was forgotten instantly, an almost thoughtless moment, as quick as the sting of a bee… the result far more painful.

My friend’s ill-timed utterance cost him a highly valued job at a premier California destination Resort. It was his dream job, one that he competed for and worked hard at for many years. He loved it to his core. And just like that it was gone. For weeks he was devastated, angry at himself, shocked, empty, motionless.

Before this happened, life hadn’t exactly been a bed of roses. He worked tirelessly six days a week at two jobs; The second job provided extra money so that he could afford to keep the coveted lower paying position at the Resort that he loved. And then his father suddenly passed away just as he was on a transcontinental flight to be with his Dad over the holidays. The time meant for a family reunion and celebration… was instead spent in crisis management and grieving.

We never know what tomorrow will bring. My friend certainly never expected this turn of events. I know it’s important to try to help others when they are in need, but after listening to his story, offering support was the best I could do. But then I was pleased to hear that he was taking steps to forge a new path. Although it was an unwanted fresh start, he was bravely holding his head up and beginning to move on. I am proud of him for facing this challenge head on.

We all face great challenges when life suddenly changes. All God given days, every second of them, are the greatest blessing. And knowing you have a friend to listen and encourage you can be important to healing. So remember, when your day is going great, finding time to be a friend will fill your heart, as well as theirs.

If you need me, I am here. If you don’t, I will still be here.
~ Anonymous

Monday, June 17, 2024

Standing Tall

In honor of Father’s Day…

No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.

                                           ~ Abraham Lincoln

Monday, June 10, 2024

My Best Work

I was born one month prematurely and have been in a hurry ever since. I guess you could say I’ve always had a lot of energy and maybe that’s why my wife calls me the energizer bunny. I just can’t sit still when I’m at home and always need to be doing something. That’s great for productivity but it isn’t always great for relationships or life in general. However, I have noticed that certain things about me have slowed down in a good way as I’ve gotten older.

Yesterday brought that thought into clarity. I was driving my truck and accidentally hit one of the buttons on the steering wheel. It changed my “view” on my dashboard and brought up “engine conditions”, which is something I have never looked at before. The first thing I noticed was that my total driving hours to date were 908 hours and my total idling hours were 298. Apparently I’m spending nearly one-third of my time just idling. That’s a way higher percentage than I would have guessed and at first it made me think of all the time I’m wasting, and that really annoyed me.

But the more I thought about it, the more it occurred to me that I do my best thinking when I am idling. In fact, when I’m stuck in a traffic jam, I often take a moment to put my hands together at the top of my steering wheel and talk to God. I like to ask Him how he’s doing. I converse with Him, let him know I appreciate his help, and ask Him to watch over my friends and family. And I always end the conversation by listing all the blessings I am thankful for. And when I do that, and realize how truly blessed I am, the traffic issues never seem so bad.

So what am I saying? I guess I am saying that I realize I have a limited amount of time on this earth and it’s good to be productive. But sometimes, when it’s quiet and the world slows down just for a little bit, that’s when I do my best work!

We spend half our life trying to find something to do - 
with the time we have rushed through life - 
trying to save.
~ Will Rogers