I was golfing with my friend, Dave, last week and after I hit a good shot and then hit a bad shot, we started talking about how golf is a lot like life. It is almost always fun, but yet extremely challenging and totally impossible to master.
And that got me thinking. He is right. I am 67 years old now and although I’m having a lot of fun, I’m still finding life to be very challenging at times. And what upsets me the most is that I still make stupid mistakes, mistakes that could easily be avoided. I know I’m a lot smarter than I was when I was younger, so why is that? How can I avoid making stupid mistakes?
As I pondered that question, I realized something. One of the biggest faults I have is spending too much time focusing on myself and my problems, instead of thinking of others. So what if I were to turn that question around and ask, “How can I help others avoid making mistakes?”
The answer might be simple… as simple as words and stories. Words can be extremely powerful, whether spoken or written, and when they’re weaved into personal stories, real events that happened to us, or life lessons we have learned along the way, they can truly make a dramatic impact. But they have to be shared.
Therefore, today I will pick one person that I love. It might be a friend, it might be my wife, it might be one of my children. But whoever I choose, I will write them a short letter about a life lesson that I learned. I encourage you to do the same. At the same time, let them know they are loved and offer them encouragement because even though life is challenging, hearing that someone loves you and cares about you, is definitely always fun!
The greatest mistake you can make in this life is to be continually fearing you will make one.