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Monday, September 2, 2019

No Accident (By Dr. Jim Kahal)

A friend of mine recently told me, “There are no accidents in life, only lessons to be learned” That statement goes well with my Monday Message below.

I have been happily living my life now for many years. I have a loving family, an awesome wife, a great career, and enough free time to not get totally burned out, but there was still something missing. I have never been able to put my finger on why… until I made a new friend. I am a dentist and the person I met was actually a patient of mine first, so I have known him for several years.

However, it was not until recently that I really got to know him and how he lives his life. He too has a wonderful family, an awesome wife, and plenty of free time. But unlike me he seems totally content with himself and his life. Unlike me, he starts every day with a prayer. He gives of himself and his money selflessly and he has great faith in God. It’s not that I don’t have faith, but it is not without question. I wonder why there are mass shootings almost every month, why there are so many homeless in such a rich country, and why as a culture we worship reality stars that can barely dent a seat cushion.

I guess you could say, I have “light faith”. But since I have met this man, I realize what the void is in my life. We all know that the trifecta of happiness is mind, body and spirit and my spirit and generosity are just not where they should be. Sure, I donate to a few charities and I help a patient in need occasionally, but that is easy. So now, I have decided to be committed to meditation and/or prayer every single day and I am going to try to be a more selfless person. I am going to work on my spirit!

By now, I have a feeling that you all know who I am talking about. He is the man behind the Monday Messages, and I want to thank him for showing me how I can enrich my life by going from “light faith” to “complete faith” in God. This was no accident!

One true friend can add more to our happiness 
than a thousand enemies add to our unhappiness.
~ Anonymous

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