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Monday, January 27, 2014

Perfect Purpose

I try to keep my Monday Messages relevant by writing about things that happen each week. In order to do that I have to pay attention to my surroundings and the people I come in contact with; focusing on things I see or hear that challenge my thinking. It’s actually good for me because when I was young I only focused on myself and that’s probably true for most young people but if we do that we might miss out on some amazingly awesome sights and some incredibly interesting people. Here are a few examples from last week….along with some fun facts!

On Friday my wife and I babysat two of our grandchildren. As I looked down at our little 9 month old granddaughter, I noticed how perfect her tiny fingers and toes were and I was reminded how amazing the human body is. The average human body contains over 20 square feet of skin and is made of up over twenty-seven trillion living cells. If you tried to count them at the rate of 1 per second it would take you over 100,000,000 years to finish. Each cell is unique as is each living person. I wonder how we became made so perfectly?
Saturday was a beautiful, warm sunny day so my wife and I laid out at the beach. Looking up I noticed our sun is extremely large. In fact it makes up 98% of the mass of our solar system and is so big that you could fit over one million earths inside of it. The most incredible thing is the precision of its distance from the earth. If it were even one mile closer we would melt and if it were farther away we would freeze. I wonder how it got to be positioned so perfectly?

On Sunday evening my wife and I went for a moonlight bicycle ride along Beach Road. The moon plays a super important role in our lives. It regulates our seasons by stabilizing the tilt of the earth’s axis. If it wasn’t positioned with a one-and-a-half-degree tilt our oceans would slosh like bathwater at the mercy of a playful child. Basically, the moon keeps the earth habitable for us. I wonder how it got tilted so perfectly?

I know that not everything or everyone is this world is perfect… far from it. But when I take the time to notice the perfection in the simple things around me, I have no doubt that we and our world were created with perfect purpose!

And God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
And then there was evening, and then there was morning - the sixth day
~ Genesis 1:31

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